Our Worship

Our worship service is usually held at 9 am each Sunday on our premises at Unit 6, 41 Belmont Ave, Belmont, Perth. Due to the current coronavirus lockdown, we are temporarily moving our services online. Please contact us to find out how to join our online meeting.
We aim to make our worship services gospel-centred and biblical. We understand that worship encompasses much more than what we do on Sunday mornings. If worship is to be truly biblical it must be centred on the person and work of Jesus Christ, since this is the focus and meaning of the whole Bible.

Furthermore, any worship we attempt to offer to God must be offered through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in order to be pleasing to Him. The Lord Jesus is the source, the reason, the motivation, the means and the focus of our worship.

Without Him we would not worship God, and without Him we could not worship God.